Good Morning Friends
Sorry I haven't posted anything on my blog this past month. I came down with a very bad lower and upper respirtory infection that has lasted almost 4 weeks now. First the doctor said it was just a cold, but three weeks later I had to go back because I felt worse instead of better. Oooops...his mistake....grrrrr. I knew it was more than a cold. Thankfully, I am on medication (finally) and a prescription cough syrup that has helped me feel alive again. It sure has been a rough time but I am happy I am on the upswing.
With that being said, I wasn't able to get my Valentine stitchery finished. I just couldn't pick up my needle and thread to work on it. I am disappointed but I can finish it and pack it away for next year. So I am on to my other two cross stitch projects now that I can see clearly again. What is it that when you are sick your eyes get all watery? Mine were tearing constantly, drove me
I wish you all a beautiful and productive day!